
Skin Specialists (Dermatologists)

Here we have made available list of some experienced physician or surgeon. When ever call or visit your doctor please mention that you have found him/her on this site.

When you visit / call a doctor, please mention that you have found him/her on

Dr. Zahid Saleem

Phone :

Address : House No. B- 13/1420, Nai Abadi East Circular Road, Gujrat.

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Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry

Phone : 0533606563

Address : Doctors Colony, Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Hospital, Gujrat.

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On 14-Oct-2024 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Pick up call No chaiahay check up karwana mujy still call
Sikandar khan On 16-Sep-2023 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Please send me your WhatsApp number.
Sana On 18-Mar-2023 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
How I can reduce my skin fat ? Please recommend some medicine actually I was live in hostel where all girls tease me by saying k tumhra moo moota hn please Dr .Saab for God sake help me
Akbar On 14-Apr-2022 wrote for Dr. Zahid Saleem :
Sir i have skin problem kindly tell us where is ur hospital and also tell me fee
hina On 08-Jan-2021 wrote for Dr. Zahid Saleem :
Doctor ap k clinic ka mukammal address btay plz
Imran ch On 05-Sep-2020 wrote for Dr. Zahid Saleem :
What is ur no for opeintment no plz
Shahzaib Mughal On 04-May-2020 wrote for Dr. Zahid Saleem :
What is timing in Ramzan plzz tell me
Ali Azhar On 03-May-2020 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Phone number for Dr sahab 0533606563
Qazi Obaid Saleem On 09-Oct-2019 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Plz tell me contact number
Yasir Jutt On 09-Aug-2019 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Meri skin oily ha or bohat sanwli hai or bohat koshish ki esy beautiful banana ki par ye nai beautiful whitening hoi baraye mehrbni kar ka mujy kuch bataye skin ka barey ma kya lagao jis se meri skin whitening ho
Yasir Jutt On 09-Aug-2019 wrote for Dr. Azhar Mahmood Chaudhry :
Meri skin oily ha or bohat sanwli hai or bohat koshish ki esy beautiful banana ki par ye nai beautiful whitening hoi baraye mehrbni kar ka mujy kuch bataye skin ka barey ma kya lagao jis se meri skin whitening ho

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