
ENT Specialist (Otolaryngologists )

Here we have made available list of some experienced physician or surgeon. When ever call or visit your doctor please mention that you have found him/her on this site.

When you visit / call a doctor, please mention that you have found him/her on

Dr. Muhammad Ishaque Qureshi

Phone : 0333-5162797, (+92-51) 2255313-5

Address : Ali Medical Centre,Hospital Kohistan

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Dr. Zulkifal Awan

Phone : 0300-5253577, 0346-5410860

Address : Islamabad ENT Clinic Shop # 13,Huma Plaza,
Fazal-e-Haq Road (Opp.Polyclinic Hospital), Islamabad

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Dr. Muhammad Yasir Khan

Phone : 0092 (51) 2228231-33

Address : Shifa Medical Center Savoy Arcade (Next To Standard Chartered Bank), F-11 Markaz, Islamabad
Clinic Timing : Mon - Fri ( 5:30 Pm - 8 Pm )

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Zubair Wali On 09-Feb-2020 wrote for Dr. Zulkifal Awan :
Dr Sb I am facing problem in speaking. I am stemering. I am student of BS and facing difficulty in answering queations in class and participating in discussions. Please let me know is there some treatment of this problem. I am too much worry for this. Please reply at earlier. I will be thankful for this act of kindness.
Zaheer Ud Din On 14-Jul-2019 wrote for Dr. Muhammad Yasir Khan :
Dr Sb my father is facing problem in breething, I like to get him checked by your good self. Please provide your mobile phone number so that I may contact you for timing and location of your consultancy.
Zaheer Ud Din On 14-Jul-2019 wrote for Dr. Muhammad Yasir Khan :
Dr Sb my father is facing problem in breething, I like to get him checked by your good self. Please provide your mobile phone number so that I may contact you for timing and location of your consultancy.

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