Here we have made available list of some experienced physician or surgeon. When ever call or visit your doctor please mention that you have found him/her on this site.
Phone : 03332971432, 0233-875975, 860075
Address : House No: E-407 A.M-23, Satellite Town, Scheme No:2 Mirpur Khas
Phone : 0231-75002, 60462, 0231-72212, 9290096
Address : Cardiologist CCU Civil Hospital Mirpur Khas, Sindh
Phone : 0231-68162
Address : C/o Dr. Jameel Ahmed Khan P.O: Tando Jan Muhammad Dist: Mirpur Khas Sindh
Nabeel Kumar On 16-Feb-2020 wrote for Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Khan :Dr Sain apna mobile number to idhar likho ta keh time lein sakan
Mir Jamal Karim On 15-Feb-2020 wrote for Dr. Didar Hussain Gajoo :
Respected Dr Sb, my wife is feeling some pain in her chest on left side. Please tell me whether it is some symptom of heart issue? if so please let me know your consultancy hour. Thanks
Sameer Wahaj On 11-Feb-2020 wrote for Dr. Muhammad Akram Sultan :
Dr. Sb please provide your mobile number here I like to get consultancy. Please...
Sameer Wahaj On 11-Feb-2020 wrote for Dr. Muhammad Akram Sultan :
Dr. Sb please provide your mobile number here I like to get consultancy. Please...