Here we have made available list of some experienced physician or surgeon. When ever call or visit your doctor please mention that you have found him/her on this site.
Phone : 081-62017, 62018, 081-844638, 839210
Address : Professor & Head Department of the Medicine Sandeman Provincial Hospital Quetta
Phone : 081-844016, 820902, 0333-7808485
Address : 9-13-101-A Civil Stewart Road Quetta.
Phone : 081-2863778, 081-9211636
Address : Federal Medical Center CGS Colony, Satellite Town, Quetta
Address2 : 2pm-9pm
Phone : 62017, 6208, 828977, 87300
Address : Deptt. Of Cardiology Sandeman Provincial Hospital Quetta.
Phone : 081-8370051, 9211636, 081-9201492
Address : Prof. & Head Department of Cardiology BMC Hospital Quetta
Phone : 081-2828356, 081-2820759
Address : House No: 61-A, 6th Street Jinnah Town Quetta-87300
Phone : 081-2838889, 0346-8384648, 0333-7934546
Address : 16, Saleem Medical Complex M.A Jinnah Road Quetta
Phone : 081-2862555, 0313-8254082, 081-9202017
Address : PB-7, BMC Complex Brewery Road Quetta
Phone : 0312-441563
Address : C/O Karachi Medical Saleem Medical Complex Quetta
Samina Behzad Khan On 29-Nov-2018 wrote for Prof. Abdul Manaf Tareen :Dr Sb please let me know your mobile number and fee for consultancy. I am feeling some cardiac issue with a bit pain in chest. So I like to make a visit to your goodself for checkup.
Saqhir Ahmed On 26-Nov-2018 wrote for Dr. Haq Dad Tareen :
Haq Dad Sb I can not walk a longer distance. After a short walk I face breathing problem. Please tell whether it is a heart issue of some thing else. I will be very much thankful for an early and positive response in this regard. May Allah bless you.
Saqhir Ahmed On 26-Nov-2018 wrote for Dr. Haq Dad Tareen :
Haq Dad Sb I can not walk a longer distance. After a short walk I face breathing problem. Please tell whether it is a heart issue of some thing else. I will be very much thankful for an early and positive response in this regard. May Allah bless you.